New Year, New Direction

I want to thank WordPress for the very cool blog stats job they did for the 2011 summary.  Saved me a lot of work!

Which is especially good since I’ve been working hard on something new (I know, I know: what’s new in that, right?).  But bear with me!

In a lot of ways I was all over the place in 2011 and want to fix that for 2012.  So for the most part my highly personal writing will occasionally show up at  There will be a few more articles showing up here, mostly Nokia and Qt oriented, but going forward there will be a new home for the technical stuff.  So at some point Tabula Crypticum will no longer be updated.

This isn’t an easy decision, nor is it easy to implement.  I’ve had a lot of fun writing here, and reading the comments, but results were too erratic.  There were either amazing days of 3000+ views or frustrating days of a few accidental visitors.  I had trouble establishing something close to steady readership.

A lot of that of course is being some random, non-famous individual who talks too much.  Where’s the allure in that?  😉  But the fact that a few articles received extraordinary attention leads me to believe (in possible delusional fashion) that sometimes I get lucky and post something useful.

One way to increase the odds of that for a blog is to add more authors.  Along with authors you need editors.  Next thing you know you have a publishing empire.

Well, my new plans are not so grandiose.  Rather, I want to build a new blog in and around communities.  Particularly Maemo and MeeGo.  Not the products, but the people… many of whom are now scattered across the Internet striving valiantly to keep the free fires burning.  They’re involved in cool projects we are excited to share!

It’s not quite ready to officially launch yet, but I am announcing the creation of post404.  It’s starting off with a handful of senior editors and hopefully we can pull in a community of contributors.

Sound fun?  Follow @post404_Mag on twitter (and me still at @texrat of course) to get engaged!

Those of us starting this are passionate and hopeful.  Going forward, expect to see a lot less “I” and a lot more ‘we”.  Thanks for your interest!

8 responses to “New Year, New Direction

  1. Awesome new project! Looking forward to this!

  2. Pingback: What’s Better than “Ways of Rocking”? | post404

  3. christexaport

    I think your disdain for FB cuts off the viral nature a simple shared link can have. I guarantee you its alot easier to engage there than on Twitter. I don’t even use it anymore. Saddens me to see this going away, but happy to see you still in the game. Change is good.

    Best writer I know. Looking forward to more.

    • Well, I know the risks in not making full use of Facebook, but I’m sticking with my decision (at least as far as my own ventures go). Facebook users aren’t generally my target demographic anyway. In fact, they’re more likely to be found on IRC, a challenge in and of itself. As for viral behavior, twitter works well enough for my purposes. I’m surprised to see your assessment of twitter but, different strokes for different folks. is going slower than I had hoped due to a number of issues that are steadily being resolved. But, I will be going in for surgery in 2 weeks that will slow things down even further, unfortunately, due to a lengthy recovery time. However, you would be very welcome as a contributor once we get to that point! And thanks for the compliment!

      • christexaport

        Wont pry, just hope youre well soon. The Twitter thing is really an organizational thing. Too much going on, miss things too easily.
        Im not the only one hoping it dies or is bought by FB or someone else more relevant. Great for the geek pow wows, nothing more. And I figure iirc does that we ll enough already. Hope you try it later.

      • I actually created a Facebook account solely for event registrations and the like, under protest. It reminds me of quicksand. Outside of events, I don’t see much use for it based on my particular needs. Ultimately, though, email and SMS are my tools of choice. Echoing particular twitterers to SMS has been very helpful.

  4. christexaport

    BTW, I’m not a bad writer. I’d like to contribute when I can if I’m welcome. Can’t be counted on all the time, but sometimes, I need an outlet.

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